The Human Space Program (Part One)

April 27, 2016 at 3:04 am by Frank White
In each edition of my book, I have proposed and discussed the idea that humanity create a Human Space Program...

In each edition of my book,

The Overview Effect: Space Exploration and Human Evolution, I have proposed and discussed the idea that humanity create a Human Space Program, a global commitment to exploring the universe that will constitute a "central project" for our planet and all sentient beings living on it.

Here are the essential features of the program:

The Human Space Program

Purpose: to support humanity's understanding and achievement of its purpose as an active partner in universal  evolution, creating  overview systems that increase conscious awareness  throughout  the universe.

Vision: a universal civilization, a golden age, humanity  taking its rightful place as citizens of the universe.

Long-term goals: establishing planetary, solar, and galactic civilizations as steps to a universal civilization.

Immediate objectives: creating conditions for planetary  peace  and humanity's  migration to the solar system and the stars.

Participants: all human beings and other sentient  species.

Spatial parameters: the universe.

Temporal parameters: the millennium, 2000-3000.

Originally set forth in the first edition in 1987, I also included 20 projects that could be used to jumpstart the program and move it ahead.

In future posts of this blog, I will discuss the vision and purpose of the program in more detail, and then do the same with each of the projects.

(To be continued)